Wednesday 6 April 2011


Well well in this session i'm going to talk about my beautiful pets <3 first of all i have to say that i have dogs mostly of the time, a few hamster and birds (catas). But now, i have only two dogs here in santiago and four more in puerto varas (where my mother live!)

like i say before i have two dogs in here and their names are coni and agustin. there both mixture, agustin is a mix between an akita and a german shepherd, his hair is golden with big brown eyes and purple tongue, it's a really playful dog he always throw from his house and jump over the people who comes to my place and even over me when i get home
ajajja, is really really kindly and likes to lie on the floor for someone to give him some love!. My dad brought him to home, at first it wasn't for me, it was for my neighbor's girlfriend 'cause she needed it to her country house and she chose agustin's brother, a dog just like him but black :P and in that moment my dad told me if i wanted the other dog, that surprised me 'cause my dad isn't a dog lover but at the end i say YES :D! ajajajja :P

i dont really now the mix of Coni jaajja but it’s like a poodle :P it’s a small black dog with curly hair, and her character is angry when strange people walk near the house, but in fact she is so sweet but a bit mean ejej ‘cause she always bother agustin biting his tail and he gets so upset that they start to fight and always coni wins jajaaj, my dad brought her too, she was found on the street when she was a little puppy *o* and my father’s girlfriend keep her but after a few years (like 4 I guess) she “gave us” the dog ‘cause was pregnant from there she was my pet J.

The other 4 aren’t mine but I love them like if they were <3 they are two Belgian shepherd called luna and negro a st. Bernard call beto (very original XD) and last but not least my beautiful chowchow call tonca <3, I really sais she is mine ‘cause I raised since she was a puppy >< and now has about ten years old :O.Indeed, I would love to have more animals (like a cat <3) but my dad doesn’t like much the animals (hopefully support my dogs and me ajaja), but when I have my own home I hope i can get lots of animals <3.

1 comment:

  1. Well well in this session i'm going to talk about my beautiful pets <3 first of all i have to say that i have dogs mostly of the time, a few hamster and birds (catas). But now, i have only two dogs here in santiago and four more in puerto varas (where my mother live!)

    like i TENSE say before i have two dogs in here and their names are coni and agustin. there both WF mixture, agustin is a mix between an akita and a german shepherd, his hair is golden with big brown eyes and purple tongue, it's a really playful dog he always throw from his house and jump over the people who comes to my place and even over me when i get home ajajja, is really really kindly and likes to lie on the floor for someone to give him some love!. My dad brought him to home, at first it wasn't for me, it was for my neighbor's girlfriend 'cause she needed it to her country house and she chose agustin's brother, a dog just like him but black :P and in that moment my dad told me if i wanted the other dog, that surprised me 'cause my dad isn't a dog lover but at the end i say YES :D! ajajajja :P

    i dont really now the mix of Coni jaajja but it’s like a poodle :P it’s a small black dog with curly hair, and her character isWW angry when strange people walk near the house, but in fact she is so sweet but a bit mean ejej ‘cause she always SVA bother agustin biting his tail and he gets so upset that they start to fight and always coni wins jajaaj, my dad brought her too, she was found on the street when she was a little puppy *o* and my father’s girlfriend TENSE keep her but after a few years (like 4 I guess) she “gave us” the dog ‘cause was pregnant from there she was my pet J.

    The other 4 aren’t mine but I love them like if they were <3 they are two Belgian shepherd called luna and negro a st. Bernard call beto (very original XD) and last but not least my beautiful chowchow call tonca <3, I really SVA sais she is mine ‘cause I raised since she was a puppy >< and now has about ten years old :O.Indeed, I would love to have more animals (like a cat <3) but my dad doesn’t like much the animals (hopefully support my dogs and me ajaja), but when I have my own home I hope i can get lots of animals <3.

    well done! your pets are so cute!
    try to use more punctuation ok? sentences are too long
