Tuesday 19 April 2011

dreams dreams .-

when i think if i had some money extra (or just win lottery :P) i would like to do a lot of things like buy a car or a house, clothes and a lot of sneakers! jajaja and the other thing is travel around the world!
i would like to visit a lot of countries 'cause of the fact that i want to know everything about the ancient civilizations! and also see the new stuff that the country can offer! the first country that comes to mind is Greece, I would like to know every historical monument in the country, not only for its architecture but also the stories behind each of them, visiting museums and historic cities, including athens, to see the acropolis, the parthenon and the agora :)! another country would be Italy, but not only for its historical content, but also for its food :P but one of the countries that i would like to go in this moment is USA, i know is "common" country to visit and it doesn't have great things to view like other countries but the only reason that i like is for the dance academies in L.A or broadway! that's my dreaaaaaaaaam! jaja.
i hope someday we all realize the dream of traveling to other countries :) take care people :D!

1 comment:

  1. when i think if i had some WO money extra (or just win lottery :P) i would like to do a lot of things like WFbuy a car or a house, clothes and a lot of sneakers! jajaja and the other thing is WF travel around the world!
    i would like to visit a lot of countries 'cause of the fact that i want to know everything about the ancient civilizations! and also see the new stuff that the country can offer! the first country that comes to mind is Greece, I would like to know every historical monument in the country, not only for its architecture but also the stories behind each of them, visiting museums and historic cities, including CAPS athens, to see the acropolis, the parthenon and the agora :)! another country would be Italy, but not only for its historical content, but also for its food :P but one of the countries that i would like to go in this moment is USA, i know is "common" country to visit and it doesn't have great things to view like other countries but the only reason that i like is for the dance academies in L.A or broadway! that's my dreaaaaaaaaam! jaja.
    i hope someday we all realize the dream of traveling to other countries :) take care people :D!

    good! so you see? dreaming is free!
