Monday 18 April 2011

the new face of stgo!

In my experience with the yellow buses and the transantiago, I must say I like a lot more buses now that the buses from the old system because, in my opinion, the yellow buses have more disadvantages than advantages as the fact that drivers managed money, which made ​​them more susceptible to thieves, another problem was the fact that they had no bus stops, which sometimes resulted in fights with the driver because it didn’t stop when you rang the bell, was also the problem with contamination of the buses which was very bad because the smoke got to enter the same bus at times! One of the things that I liked the old system was that with a single bus could arrive at different places, but now is very complicated to get to a place because you have to take more than one bus and the subway!

When transantiago began, it was in the summer of 2007, was a CHAOS! People didn’t know which bus to take, how to pay or how many combinations you could do with a single beep! ajjaja. At that time I was in the south, so it doesn’t take much attention to news about Santiago, but when I got here I didn’t know what to do or how to get to my house > <so I called my brother to go and get me to the bus terminal ahhaha. Before classes began, with a friend, we agreed to see how to get to our schools that remain in the center, was a big problem for us, because we didn’t know why the buses were of color or where we could buy the Bip! So we went to a bip center that is near our homes, buy the card and gave us the map, we looked like tourists in our own city! ajaja finally we learn, but we found it a bit difficult, so that initially only used the subway! XD I think this system has more advantages than the former because there is no need to use many coins to pay, because you only pay with the bip card and also with a single payment can be made ​​three combinations (previously four> <) because of this, the percentage of theft to the drivers could fall :)! Another advantage is that the new buses don’t pollute as much as did the above and also the buses are a little more spacious! The bad thing is the fact that there are people who don’t pay the bus fare, so the government has decided to raise ticket prices because of the costs of maintaining the system by doing this will affect all users: (

Something that would change the current system would give him more time for drivers to do things such as eating or using the toilet, and it showed in the documentary made ​​about transantiago, I think is very unfair treatment given to people who, in a way help the community! I hope this will change some day (my uncle is a conductor). But in general I think there was an improvement, actually a good thing is that drivers don’t race each other as they did with the yellow buses (at least I have not played any in the past 3 years jajaaj)

1 comment:

  1. In my experience with the yellow buses and the transantiago, I must say I like a lot more buses now that the buses from the old system because, in my opinion, the yellow buses have more disadvantages than advantages as the fact that drivers managed money, which made ​​them more susceptible to thieves,PUNCT another problem was the fact that they had no bus stops, which sometimes resulted in fights with the driver because it didn’t stop when you rang the bell, was also the problem with contamination of the buses which was very bad because the smoke got to enter the same bus at times! One of the things that I liked the old system was that with a single bus could arrive at different places, but now is very complicated to get to a place because you have to take more than one bus and the subway!

    When transantiago began, it was in the summer of 2007, was a CHAOS! People didn’t know which bus to take, how to pay or how many combinations you could do with a single beep! ajjaja. At that time I was in the south, so it doesn’t take much attention to news about Santiago, but when I got here I didn’t know what to do or how to get to my house > <) because of this, the percentage of theft to the drivers could fall :)! Another advantage is that the new buses don’t pollute as much as did the above and also the buses are a little more spacious! The bad thing is the fact that there are people who don’t pay the bus fare, so the government has decided to raise ticket prices because of the costs of maintaining the system by doing this will affect all users: (

    Something that would change the current system would give him more time for drivers to do things such as eating or using the toilet, and it showed in the documentary made ​​about transantiago, I think is very unfair treatment given to people who, in a way help the community! I hope this will change some day (my uncle is a conductor). But in general I think there was an improvement, actually a good thing is that drivers don’t WW race each other as they did with the yellow buses (at least I have not played any in the past 3 years jajaaj)

    I agree with you the competitions among drivers does not exist so much now... which is a good thing
