Thursday 17 June 2010


hello everyone! well now i'm going to talk about my favorite subject in this term. one of the course that i really enjoy to learn is zoology! in this subject we have to see a lot of things related to animals like anatomy, behavior, function of its parts, types, origin, reproduction, etc . This course has two parts: the lectures and the practical work, in the practical work we have to use the knowledge learned on the lectures doing a quiz and review the animal we are seeing. this subject is my favorite because is the most related with that i'm studing and is the closest to my favorite area and that is biology <3. other course that i like it is the veterinary practices! in this you can learn the basics care of an animal, the cycle of reproduction, what kind of food give to a farm animal and they use in a farm also we have the small animal clinical in this we can see the tools that we have to use for examine and care an animal, the division inside a clinic and the treatment with the owners of a pet. i like it because this teach us the different jobs that a vet can do and show us some ways that we can take in the future. hope you have a nice day ! take care :D. i take this picture in Las Brisas (Navidad) sixth region.


  1. Wow, Seba!!!
    Really enjoy your posts!!
    This time we agree about the favorite subject!! Zoology is the best for me too =)!!
    But u have good marks, damned ¬¬!!!!
    Hahahah... well... I want you to know that I love u, boy =)!! Lots of kisses, see u tomorrow and I have to tell you... NICE PIC :D!

  2. hello everyone! well now i'm going to talk about my favorite subject in this term. one of the course that i really enjoy WF to learn is zoology! in this subject we have to see a lot of things related to animals like CAPS anatomy, behavior, function of its parts, types, origin, reproduction, etc . This course has two parts: the lectures and the practical work, in the practical work we have to use the knowledge learned on the lectures doing a quiz and review the animal we are seeing. this subject is my favorite because is the most related with that i'm SP studing and is the closest to my favorite area and that is biology <3. other course that i like it is the veterinary practices! in this you can learn the basics care of an animal, the cycle of reproduction, what kind of food give to a farm animal and they use in a farm also we have the small animal clinical in this we can see the tools that we have to use for examine and care an animal, the division inside a clinic and the treatment with the owners of a pet. i like it because this SVA teach us the different jobs that a vet can do and show us some ways that we can take in the future. hope you have a nice day ! take care :D. i take this picture in Las Brisas (Navidad) sixth region.
    posted by seba.hernandez at 00:47 1 com

    very good! I'm glad you enjoy this subject. It sounds quite interesting.
