Sunday 27 June 2010


Hi everyone well now we have to talk about our ideal job.
First of all I don’t know in which area I’m going to specialize inside the career but the options that call my attention are investigation and exotic animals.
The reason that I like investigation is ‘cause it is something that I learn and enjoy when I was in the school ‘cause I was in the academy of science! Other reason is ‘cause it is the most related to microbiology, what is my favorite subject <3! I really enjoy work in a lab taking samples, see under the microscope and playing doing experiments XD.
On the other hand I would like to work with exotic animals ‘cause … well really I don’t have a big reason for this but since I was a little child I really enjoy to see different animals in the zoo like pandas, tiger, lions, bears, etc. And always try to learn everything of the animals when I visit the zoo and see the vets helping and caring the animals make me think that I could be like them so I can give to the animals everything that they need ‘cause they need to be happy and healthy ‘cause they are not in their natural habitat furthermore I would like to work out of Chile, in places like Africa or australia. Other thing that I like is “dog town” <3 I really love the fact that they try to save to all the dogs no matter their behavior, diseases or age. Would be wonderful if in Chile have a place like this, but is difficult ‘cause here everything works with money u.u but I don’t lose faith that some day we could have a special place for all the animals <3!

Take care :D!

Thursday 17 June 2010


hello everyone! well now i'm going to talk about my favorite subject in this term. one of the course that i really enjoy to learn is zoology! in this subject we have to see a lot of things related to animals like anatomy, behavior, function of its parts, types, origin, reproduction, etc . This course has two parts: the lectures and the practical work, in the practical work we have to use the knowledge learned on the lectures doing a quiz and review the animal we are seeing. this subject is my favorite because is the most related with that i'm studing and is the closest to my favorite area and that is biology <3. other course that i like it is the veterinary practices! in this you can learn the basics care of an animal, the cycle of reproduction, what kind of food give to a farm animal and they use in a farm also we have the small animal clinical in this we can see the tools that we have to use for examine and care an animal, the division inside a clinic and the treatment with the owners of a pet. i like it because this teach us the different jobs that a vet can do and show us some ways that we can take in the future. hope you have a nice day ! take care :D. i take this picture in Las Brisas (Navidad) sixth region.

Monday 7 June 2010


hi everyone . . . again :B
well i really don't know pages related to vet but i'm going to write about a page who has a channel on TV jajaja i'm talking of animal planet :D!
the website is really cool and furthermore showing the tv shows have sections that are very interesting and they are: videos about animals; the R.O.A.R (a organization for animal conservation); pets 101 , wild animals, games for a an interactive learning, etc. I recommend pets 101 and wild animals
the first one show us a few guides about how to care an animal , breeds, activities outdoor , etc. and the second one show us a mammal guide, animal A-Z, pictures a different things about the animals in general.
i choose this page because i see some tv shows of this channel who are very funny and we can learn a lot of thing of animals! here is the link to the page :
i hope you like it!
take care people!

Wednesday 19 May 2010


hi everyone :D
From I was a child I really love the animals and I love to play with them but when I change school my teachers and my father change my mind and they tell me that I have to study medicine so I left to think in vet! but when i'm gone from school i realize that i don't want medicine and I try to get in vet or nurse school
now im in vet school! And is really awesome :) I love see dogs and all kind of animals in the university and I love the campus! is so relaxing because there are a lot of green areas and the air is so much pure here instead the center XD!
I would like to work in biotechnology or exotic animals for me are the most interesting areas in vet so i'm going to do my best to work in one of that areas!
well now i have to go :D take care people!

Wednesday 28 April 2010


well i dont know how to start ._. ... my name is sebastian i'm 19 years old and i'm from santiago, chile. i'm studing veterinary medicine in the University of chile. i like listen every kind of music with the exception of cumbia and stuff like that. i really enjoy hang out with my friends to places like bellavista or parks in the center of the city. i always have my camera with me its really cool take pictures when im walking on the center and i really enjoy it!