Tuesday 29 March 2011

hi 2011!!!

Hi everyone :D! hope you have a nice and cool summer with your family and friends.-

Well ... how can i condense in one word the last year? BITTERSWEET ... i guess is the best word to describe how i feel all the past year. On 2010 i enter to the university, take hiphop classes, meet new people, figured out that my passion is dancing, have troubles with my family and a lot more.

I enter to the University of Chile! in one of my favourite careers and that was veterinary. it wasn't difficult to adjust to the schedule but i really hate the travel to come here 'cause i spend like four hours on a bus!!!! i think it was too much but i finished getting used to that. In the whole year i can say that my favourites subjects were zoology, english, anatomy, histology and obviously folklore, it was really funny but i have to take some of that subject again 'cause i had to "freeze" the second half for personal issues. The thing that i most like here is the people who i made friends THEY'RE AWESOME! :D so i can't complain about the people here, they're so relaxed and funny and motivate me to be here (except when i have too much sleep XD jajaj)

One of the good thing are that i met the street dance specially the hip-hop! i really love the classes 'cause i feel like i forget my problems for a while and still now continue with the classes (in fact i have to go really soon to one :P ajajja) it's really cool like the choreography fill you with happiness and you learnt so many things!